Friday, July 14, 2017

DOD 22

If you could start all over and chart the course of your life…would it look much different than it does today?  I am guessing your answer is the same as mine….a resounding “YES”

Well…in a sense you get a chance to do that…start all over today.  Can we go back and undo the damage and hurt of the past?  No.  But what if the very places you find yourself in today could be a spring board to a better life than you can imagine?  A little hard to believe, but it is happening in men all around you and you can start today….Saturday, July 15th and never look back. 

Jesus has an incredible way of making things new and the new version is waaayyyy better than the old.

Therefore, if anyone is in CHRIST, he is a NEW creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become NEW.  2 Cor. 5:17

And He who sites on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things NEW.”  Revelation 21:5

So Jesus can make us and our lives new and we have a big part to play in how this plays out.

ABOVE ALL ELSE, guard your heart, for it determines the course of your life.  Proverbs 4:23

Above all else  -  seems like this is pretty important. 

Weekends are some of the times I did and sometimes still do the worst job of “guarding my heart”.  How can I be so careless when it is so important?  Its weekends that I would drink the most, watch terrible movies, go places I had no business being as a married man and on and on and on.

Workout for today’s DOD: 

·         Ask God how to guard your heart today and then listen.  Share what you hear on Group Me to encourage and help others.

·         Do what you heard….(i.e. fast from t.v. this weekend is what I heard….so that is what I will do rest of weekend)

That’s it.  Easy and short to say.  Longer and harder to do, but worth it.  Your heart determines the course of your life.  Do you want to go to good places, to prosper, to have joy, to experience everlasting peace?  That’s where we go when we guard our hearts.

Ideas on ways to guard your heart:

·         No t.v. or R movies

·         Get internet filter

·         Read and memorize some of God’s word to put in your heart, mind

·         Listen only to praise music for a day

·         Fast from food or something else

·         Pray

·         Rest and talk to you Father

·         Get out in nature

·         Many, many other ways – don’t forget to share
Love you men!  Thanks for being in the fight!!

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