Friday, July 21, 2017

DOD 27 - Make Your Life Count.....1 Second at a Time

Watch this video:  The Value of Time
Men of Righteousness IN CHRIST
What will you do with the 86,400 seconds you are given today?  Yesterday is gone.  You aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.  You do have today.  You do have a choice.  How will you spend or invest the time you have that is a gift from your Father today?
In my past….in the darker days...I chose:
·         To embrace self-pity, entitlement, lust, anger
·         To seek pleasure above all else
·         To think of myself first
·         To veg out on t.v., drinking, eating, avoiding
All of this and many other destructive choices led to pain, depression, emptiness, sadness, hopelessness….so I repeated the cycle the next day to hopefully avoid feeling these things for the next 86,400 seconds.
Now – by the grace of God I am making more frequent choices to:
·         Get in His word
·         Enjoy a cup of coffee in peace
·         Pray (talk to Him)
·         Spend time…fully present with the members of my family
·         Spend time with my friends
·         Go for a walk / take a nap
·         Worship
·         Laugh, cry, experience joy and pain and fear and doubt,  but I get to experience with God and others I love so even when I am hurting I can’t lose

The DOD is simple:
Invest the next 15 minutes (900 seconds) as follows:
5 Minutes – read and think about Psalm 1 and talk to God about it and whatever else you want or need to talk to Him about
5 Minutes – ask God how to invest your time today and listen
5 Minutes – watch / listen to few minutes (or all) of this and praise God who has blessed us with life, love, Saturday’s and much much more

Go out and do what He tells you when you listened! 

I love you men!  I count my time with you as some of the absolute best and richest of the seconds of my life! 

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