Monday, July 3, 2017

DOD 11

As we prep for tomorrow:
Independence Day, commonly known as the the Fourth of July, commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the kingdom of Britain.

Are you ready to declare your INDEPENDENCE from the kingdom of darkness? 
1)      Recognize you are at war?

a.       For we are not fighting against flesh-and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities fo the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.  Eph 6:12 NLT

b.      Meditate on this for a minute…

                                                               i.      Is it clear that there is a fight/war?

                                                             ii.      Do you feel that you are in it?

                                                            iii.      Do you think you can win in your strength against these “mighty powers”?

c.      How does the battle look in your world?  Identify the enemies’ battle tactics so that you can fight instead of being passive. 

For example…my wife and I may get into a disagreement about  something and hurtful words get spoken.  (My wife is not the enemy and neither is yours!)  Then the enemy hits with temptations to be angry and hold on to resentment or with self-pity or discouragement.  In years past these things hit me and I clung to them and left unchecked…over time they would result in me finding an outlet….porn, food, you name it.

Define your battles…recognize the signs that you are in a fight and who you are fighting so you can do something about it and experience victory!

2)      Put on your armor! 

a.     No warrior would go into battle without their armor and weapons.  Obviously because you would get detroyed.  It should be no different in our battles.  We aren’t strong enough on your own…we will get destroyed without the armor of God!

b.      Read and meditate on Ephesians 6:13-18

                                                               i.      See yourself putting on each piece of armor

                                                             ii.      Ask for the Holy Spirit to train you for battle

3)      The ultimate battle weapon

a.      I personally LOVE the picture of Christ in Revelations 19 and get pumped at this picture of our Savior.  James 4:10 isn’t as “cool” as this, but it is a picture of one of the key weapons to assure victory in our battles….the spirit of humility. 

b.      Are you humble?

                                                               i.      Pray now and ask God for the “gift” of humility and He will supply it!  (we all need it)

4)      Declare Victory – your words have power in them.

a.     Declare victory and truthful statements over yourself and the people and situations in your life

b.      Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Proverbs 18:21a NKJV

                                                               i.      One way to declare life is to speak God’s Word out loud in the form of a statement

                                                             ii.      Ex.  I might say over myself…out loud….”I humble myself in the sight of the Lord and He is lifting me up!”

Put on your armor while you listen to this:

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