Tuesday, July 11, 2017

DOD 19 for July 12, 2017

We are hitting the midway point tomorrow.  How are you holding up? Can you feel your connection with the Lord growing stronger?  Are you fumbling through still trying to figure out what is going on?  Are you giving it a half-hearted effort thinking that will by you “enough” time/recovery/buffer from your mistakes to get you by?  Are you hoping no one will notice...Are you hoping someone will notice your efforts?  Where do you stand?

The Truth is it doesn’t matter where you are.  If you are willing today to start out, whole hearted, and make the journey to Wholeness and holiness.  And don’t get me wrong, this DOD is not THE way to healing and holiness.  Jesus is THE way.  And He will lead you.  But perhaps He’s leading you to put your effort into following this challenge.  I actually know guys, meet with them regularly, call them friends, who have found other groups entirely that meet their needs and focus them toward Christ.  Its where He has called them to be to find healing and to guild others there as well.  Go where He leads you, but go with all “gusto”!

I am reading a book right now call The Pilgrim’s Progress.  Its old written in the 1600’s.  but it is amazingly relevant as the main character makes his way from the city of Destruction to Mt. Zion, the holy city.  He meets other pilgrims on the way like Evangelist and Faithful.  He also meets advisories like Shame, he must cross the slough (ditch or swap) of Despair, and go through the valley of the shadow of death.  He is constantly tempted with opportunities to go back, or to stop short on his journey. 

Jesus calls us to follow Him. He doesn’t say how far we are going.  Even Peter falls short of following. By denying Jesus.  Point of fact Jesus knew this would happen and even told the disciples that they couldn’t follow where he was going (to the cross). 

Paul says to “run the race” (Philippians 2; 1cor 9; Galatians 2).  Hebrews tells us to run (ch12), even the psalms (ch.19) talk about the sun running a race to tell of the glory of God.

So today let’s build some endurance to run the race well!  It has been pointed out (thanks Krupp) that Muslims pray 5 times a day.  Not silent little “shout out to God” prayers, or “oh crap, help me” prayers, they stop what they are doing, pull out a mat, kneel down facing a specific direction.  What about us, do we “run our race” with such precision and dedication? 

Today, stop! Stop five distinct and separate times to pray.  Ask for clarity in a given situation, ask for blessing, give thanks, read a psalm, just be silent before our God and let him do the talking.  It doesn’t matter.  I hope you are reading this in the AM and you can set “appointments” ahead of time to do this.  Make each session at least 3 minutes if not 5-10.  We are talking about the time it might take to smoke a cigarette.  Heck, God showed himself in a column of smoke, tell your boss you’re going for a “smoke break with God”  take the time to scan the horizon for a sign from Heaven, you might just be surprised.

Keep in mind that this setting aside of time, this activity won’t change anything.  It is the intentionality and the willingness to BE with God that changes things.  The act of becoming intimate with Him is what changes things.  The Habit is great and will only deepen as you begin to understand how rich this time can be.  You will find that you want to do this not that you have to. 

Additionally, take a moment or two during these prayer times to ask what might be holding you back from the “race”.  Maybe its complacency, perhaps it’s a lethargic attitude.  Are you held back by shame, or comparison, or fear?  Are you seeking validation and you don’t think God can provide it?  I don’t always know what has gotten me stuck or sidetracked, I only recognize that I’ve stopped moving.  I have to ask, “Lord, what’s going on here, right now that has me stopped?”  “What is it that’s drawing my attention away from you?” 

Finally, if this isn’t stretching for you, lets add some “weight”.  If you already are used to doing this kind of thing daily, even several times a day, try doing it every hour.  Try doing it at every stop light.  Set up a marker for you to seek out the kingdom, first, regularly throughout the day today.  Listen! Obey! That's how to follow.  Like “left, right, left…”; “Listen, obey, listen…”.

On your mark, get set,…Race!

1 comment:

  1. As a P.S. you'll notice I mentioned 5 scriptures about running the race. You could make those part of you give prayer times... just sayin' :)
